Hire a Professional Personal Holiday Photographer
Hiring a Professional Personal Holiday Photographer has become the new hip and happening trend amongst travelers all over the world.
This new trend is quickly growing and has become very popular.
It provides a unique opportunity to capture all of your traveling moments, whilst actually enjoying your holiday and not having to worry about capturing every moment.
Lion Roar Safaris doesn’t just offer unique safari packages; we have unique photographic packages to capture your safari experience. Hiring a Professional Personal Holiday Photographer is as easy as emailing Lion Roar Safaris at info@lionroarsafaris.co.za and telling us what photographic package you would like to choose.
(See Rates and Package options below) Please also read the Terms and Conditions when booking a Professional Personal Holiday Photographer to accompany you on your safari.
- Click here to read our FAQ’s about Hire a Professional Personal Holiday Photographer for your Safari
- Click here to read our Terms and Conditions when Hiring a Professional Personal Holiday Photographer for your Safari